Cai Et Al 2013. Procedures of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems California ACM pp 48–55 Feng Z Y Guo X H Zeng D J et al (2013) On the research frontiers of business management in the context of Big Data Journal of Management Sciences in China 16(01) pp 1–9.
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The PO algae under exposure of sound waves with frequency of 2200 Hz had greatly significant increase in dry biomass (Cai et al 2013) Chen (2013)also showed that sound waves with main frequency such as 2 kHz in environment of wild plants had better effects on plant growth than other kinds of audible sound.
Cai ChunFang et al., 2013. Aquaculture, 410/411: 203215
Cai et al (2013) reported that the future IOD amplitude and frequency above the timevarying mean state do not show a significant change Some coupled GCMs projects an increase in the amplitude and/or frequency of IOD variability in the 21st century but some others show a decrease and most importantly statistically significant results could not be obtained for most.
Effects of sound exposure on the growth and intracellular
PDF fileet al 2013) The use of seaweeds as a feed additive for livestock can reduce soy imports thereby combating deforestation in soyproducing countries whereas use for fish feed can reduce fish catches and tackle overexploitation of fish stocks (Wassef et al 2005 Valente et al 2006).
Eutrophicationinduced acidification of coastal waters in
PDF file2 [Cai et al 2011 Ren et al 2015] Furthermore respirationinduced acidification will have a larger effect on pH in this region because the buffering capacity will be.
Setting Of Probetimer Authors Name Affiliations Address Phone Ppt Download
now publishers A Survey of Query Auto Completion in
Cai L, et al. (2013) SGD
Increased frequency of extreme Indian Ocean Dipole …
Influence on Atmospheric Attribution of Anthropogenic
The Challenges of Data Quality and Data Quality …
and Computational Complexity Simultaneous Bayesian Auctions
Cain et al., 2013 Request PDF ResearchGate
Twogoal Local Search for Minimum and Inference Rules
The economic feasibility of seaweed production in the
PDF fileused to detect cycle slips (Cai et al 2013) For triplefrequency or quadfrequency observations the ith frequency has to be carefully chosen following the principle that the coefficients of m j and m i are as small as possible in order that the carrier phase multipath is not significantly magnified In term of the employed.