Dialog Expression Of Congratulation. Congratulating Expressions Congratulations! I’m very happy of you! That’s wonderful! Good for you! Best of luck! Well done! Fantastic job! You must be very happy with your achievement I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment! Please accept my warmest congratulation I must congratulate you on your success!.

Here are some expressions used to congratulate someone who gets an achievement or success Congratulations! (Selamat!) Congratulation on winning the contest! (Selamat atas kemenangannya dalam lomba) Congratulation for your graduation! (Selamat atas kelulusannya) Congratulation to you! ( Selamat untukmu).
Expression of Congratulations, Hopes, and Wishes YouTube
Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation when she or he succeeds in doing something (Congratulation adalah ekspresi yang kita gunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat ketika.
Contoh Dialog Hope Wish Congratulation dan English Admin
This video is made as a fulfillment for Instructional Media and Activities in Language Teaching (IMALT) CourseFor the exercises you can visit this linkhtt.
Dialog Singkat Bahasa Inggris English Admin
Di bawah ini contoh dialog Congratulation singkat beserta artinya Contoh Dialog Congratulation 1 Vika Happy new year Adi! ( Selamat ulang tahun Adi!) Adi Thank’s you Vika Happy new year too ( Terimakasih Vika Selamat tahun baru juga) Contoh Dialog Congratulation 2 Tysa Happy birthday Bintang ( Selamat ulang tahun Bintang).
Materi Expression Of Congratulations Dan Contoh Dialog Pdf
Materi Expression of Jagoan Bahasa Inggris
Happy Practicing: Expression of Congratulation Blogger
Expression Of Hope Wish And Congratulation – Beinyu.com
3 Contoh Dialog “Expressing Congratulation” Dalam Bahasa
Expression of Giving Compliments and YouTube
Expression of Congratulation BRITISH Course
Congratulation Contoh Dialog Expressing
Pengertian, Jenis Dan Contoh IlmuBahasaInggris.Com
KUMPULAN Contoh Dialog Congratulation Pelajarindo.com
Expression of Congratulation belajar bahasa inggris cepat
Ungkapan Expressing Congratulation 1 Congratulation! 2 Congratulation on your success in speech contest! 3 Congratulation on your marriage 4 You have done a fantastic job man! 5 Well done congratulation on you 6 I would be the first to congratulate you on your (formal) 7 I’d like to.