Dragon Ball God Of Destruction. Beerus is the God of Destruction hailing from Universe 7 He is the strongest God of Destruction among the 12 universes in Dragon Ball He trained with Whis which makes him extremely powerful and.

“The Gods of Destruction From All 12 Universes” (12宇う宙ちゅうの破は壊かい神しん Jū Ni Uchū no Hakaishin lit “The Destruction Gods From 12 Universes”) is the 28th chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga With Goku having teleported over to Zeno’s Palace Beerus is left behind in despair.
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Beerus (Universe 7) Lord Beerus is the strongest God of Destruction But he’s also the mostBelmod (Universe 11) Refused to side with Gicchin (Jiren’s dead master) any longer heQuitela (Universe 4) Like Beerus Quitela is lazy and doesn’t take his job seriously He likes toRumsshi (Universe 10) Bearing a strong resemblance to the Hindu God Ganesha RumsshiMosco/Mule (Universe 3) Mosco is a robot vehicle for the actual GOD (Mule) who controlsChampa (Universe 6) Lord Champa is even lazier than Beerus asking Vados to do all hisSidra (Universe 9) Universe 9 is the lowest in terms of Mortal Level Sidra is indecisive andHeles (Universe 2) Based on looks alone she seems to be the only female GOD BeingLiquiir (Universe 8) Universe 8 too has a high Mortal Level In the Manga’s ZenoExpo LiquiirArack (Universe 5) Arack’s Universe too has a high Mortal level He seems to be different.
God of Destruction Dragon Ball Wiki Fandom
Beerus The first God of Destruction introduced in the anime is Beerus who holds theChampa Champa is the God of Destruction of Universe 6 and Beerus’ hotheaded brotherSidra Universe 9’s Destroyer is a character named Sidra Prior to the tournament Sidra hadHeles Heles who is renowned for her looks grace and her appreciation for beauty isQuitela The most sinister and manipulative Destroyer in Dragon Ball Super is arguably theBelmod Dragon Ball Super’s powerful God of Destruction Belmod whose design closelyRumsshi Rumsshi who bears the appearance of a pink elephantlike creature is the God ofMosco (aka Mule) Universe 3 consisted primarily of robots and this theme was carried onIwan Arak Liquiir and Giin When the Tournament of Power was being arranged it wasTop Top is the second most powerful fighter in Universe 11 and the leader of the Pride.
God of Destruction Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki Fandom
The Gods of Destruction (破は壊かい神しん Hakaishin lit “Destruction God”) also called Destroyers in the Funimation dub are deities who destroy planets races or threats that put the development of their respective universes at risk as opposed to the Supreme Kais the Gods of Creation who create and fill planets with life in ordeOverviewPersonalityThough the Gods of Destruction may enjoy their duty some going as far as to revel in it they are not inherently evil as some can be somewhat benevolent (in the case of Sidra) and do not seem to revel in their destruction but instead use their powers to enforce “justice” in their own univers Text under.
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