Dragon Ball Zeno. Super Dragon Ball Heroes Trivia Zenoh (全王) means “king of all” in Japanese zen (全) meaning “all” and ō (王) meaning “king” Zenoh sounds exactly like 全能 which means omnipotent in Japanese References ↑ 10 11 12 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 47 ↑ 20 21 22 Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 17 ↑ 30 31 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 55.

Zeno is the endallbeall powerhouse of the Dragon Ball multiverse and while the other gods fear him because of his great power they really shouldn’t While fans have heard stories of Zeno’s indifference in deleting whole universes no examples of that apathetic cruelty have been shown.
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Dragon Ball (Japanese respectively called Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction who are appointed by a higher being called the Grand Zeno who watches over the multiverse along with the Grand Priest the father of all the Angels Almost all of the Dragon Ball series except for parts of Dragon Ball Super takes place in Universe 7 Years in the timeline are called “Ages” with.
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The Zeno Orbs (全王玉 Zen’ō Dama) are robotic drones in Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission that are manufactured and sent ingame by Zeno to observe fights Abilities Hikou The ability to fly using wings or special mechanisms Zeno Orbs fly via a.
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Bejītaō Zeno) is an incarnation of King Vegeta from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Dark Empire Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 31 History 32 Dragon Ball Heroes 321 Dark Empire Saga 322 Dark King Mechikabura Saga 4 Power 5 Abilities 6 Video Game Appearances 7 Voice Actors 8 Battles.