Four Way Test. For Rotary The FourWay Test is the cornerstone of all action It has been for years and it will be in the future Of the things we think say or do Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? The test is one of the hallmarks of Rotary .

PDF fileThe four Way Test started in an office in the days of the Great Depression as the result of a prayer for help to preserve the jobs of 250 people Through Rotary International it spread around the world It has influenced thoughts words and actions.
Four Way Test Help Rotary
The FourWay Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships The test has been translated into more than 100 languages and Rotarians recite it at club meetings Of the things we think say or do.
Applying the Four Way Test Rotary Leadership Institute Files
The FourWay Test Means Business By Nancy Shepherdson The Rotarian Source Rotary International Website At any Walgreens drugstore in the United States you’re likely to see The FourWay Test hanging on the wall in the manager’s office and in the pharmacy.
Rotary FourWay Test
This guide will help you prepare for and pass the G2 road test Being a G1 driver means you’ve been learning all the rules of the road and how to drive safely You know how to signal when you want to turn who has the rightofway at a fourway stop sign among other basic driving skills But now you must complete your G2 road test.
Rotaract Club Of Nust History Of The Four Way Test Rotary 4 Way Test The Four Way Test Was Created In 1932 By Rotarian Herbert J Taylor When He Was Asked To Take Charge Of
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Instead they are a simple checklist for ethical behavior They transcend generations and national borders As Rotarians we should have The FourWay Test in mind in every decision we make all day long Our utmost responsibility is to speak the truth to be fair to build goodwill and better friendships and to do our very best in all situations.