Helm D&D. SummaryOverviewHistory and relationshipsForgotten Realms Deity FileHelm symboljpg Helm Title(s) The Watcher the Vigilant One Homeplane House of the Triad Power Level Intermediate Alignment Lawful Neutral Portfolio Guardians protectors protection Superior Lord Ao Helm The Watcher is a god in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game Helm is known as the Vigilant One the Great Guard and The Watcher God of guardians protection and protectors and worshipped by guards and paladi Helm is a Lawful Neutral deity His symbol is a staring eye with blue iris on an upright war gauntlet his divine realm is Everwatch in the House of the Triad and his 35 Edition D&D domains are Law Planning Protection and Strength The deity wields “Ever Watchful” a +4 holy keen lawful Bastard Sword the favored weapon of his faith Helm's faith is (or was) especially popular in Cormyr the Dragon Coast Tethyr the Vilhon Reach and the Western Heartlands Worshippers Helmites have long b A very old deity Helm is the eternal sentry and is always represented and seen wearing a full suit of armor that represents the weight of his heavy responsibility Yet Helm gets and has always gotten the job at hand done without complaint The people of the Realms widely admired these qualities in what they saw as a humble and reassuring god During the Time of Troubles though when the gods walked Toril it was in reliable Helm that Lord Ao trusted the task of keeping the other deities from Alignment Lawful NeutralPower Level IntermediateHomeplane House of the TriadTitle (s) The Watcher the Vigilant One.

Helm of the Gods Wondrous item rare (requires attunement) While wearing this helm you know whether there is a celestial or fiend within 30 feet of you as well as where the creature is located provided the creature isn’t behind total cover.
Helm Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki Fandom
Helm (pronounced /ˈhɛlm/ HELM listen) also known as the Vigilant One and The Watcher was the god of guardians protection and protectors He was worshiped by guards and paladins both long being seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer His activities in the Time of Troubles caused the folk of Faerûn to look differently on.
Helm, a D&D 5e deity Gods and Deities The Thieves Guild
Helm Helm is the epitome of the watcher the guard the guardian and has in years past been greatly venerated by those who need to remain watchful for evil at their doorsteps He has long been seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer Helm is difficult to understand and is often.
Helm Equipment D&D Beyond
OverviewCharacter and ReputationClergy and TemplesHelm Vital statistics Titles The Watcher the Vigilant One the Great Guard Deity Power Intermediate Deity Home Plane House of the Triad Symbol All Seeing Eye upon a right hand gauntlet Alignment Lawful Neutral Portfolio Guardians protectors protection Domains Law Planning Protection Strength Favored Weapon “Ever Watchful” (bastard sword) Cleric Alignments LE LG LN Worshipers Explorers fighters guards mercenaries paladins Helm (helm) is the ultimate guardian the evervigilant sentry who allows nothing to compromise his duty Often seen as cold and emotionless he appears as a giant man in full plate armor In truth Helm is simply a stern disciplinarian dedicated to his appointed task He is fond of children and more tolerant of their minor infractions than of anyone else’s Many believe that Helm would give his own life to guard something entrusted to him He is silent on the matter The church of Helm was once seen as a bastion of stability and safety in the oftdangerous North Its members were highly respected for their pledge to defend civilization against the dangers of the wild and the monsters of the depths However during the past fourteen years it has shrunk greatly in numbers and influence Helm served his duty faithfully and faultlessly during the Time of Troubles but he played a role in confining the other deities to Faerun The death and destruction that resul.
Art I Drew A Dwarven Style Helm Of Comprehending Languages Dnd
Helm Forgotten Realms Wiki Fandom
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Helm (Forgotten Realms) Annex Fandom
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Equipment Gear & Items Helm A helm included as part of most sets of armor.