Ink Meepo. Hentai Foundry is an online art gallery for adult oriented art Despite its name it is not limited to hentai but also welcomes adult in other styles such as cartoon and realism.

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General [] Aghanim’s Shard is a powerful item used to passively increase the power of a hero’s abilityThe upgrade that Aghanim’s Shard provides can be anything from a new ability to simply an increase in power Shard Upgrades [] Abaddon [] Curse of Avernus Causes Mist Coil and Aphotic Shield to apply a Curse of Avernus stack on enemies Increase base slow by 10%.
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Ink Swell Duration increased from 3s to 4s Gyrocopter Agility Gain reduced from 36 to 33 Intelligence Gain increased from 21 to 24 Homing Missile Reworked Shard Homing Missile now constantly fires a 700 radius Rocket Barrage starting 1 second after casting Rocket Barrage prioritizes the Homing Missile’s target Flak Cannon Range reduced from 1250 to 1000 Call.
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Damage is any means by which unit’s current health can be reduced The 3 main damage classifications are Physical Magical and Pure Damage can come from attacks abilities and items Attack damage is the damage dealt per attack and is displayed on the sword icon in the HUD Generally damage sources are split into two big categories — Attack Damage and Spell.