Kode K. Unallocated The following call sign prefixes are available for future allocation by the ITU (x represents any letter n represents any digit from 2–9)E8 E9 H5 J9 On S4 T9* Un V9 Xn YZ* Z4–Z7 Z9 4N* (* Indicates a prefix that has recently been returned to the ITU) Unavailable Under present ITU guidelines the following call sign prefixes shall not be allocated.

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ITU prefix Wikipedia
In the UK every person paid under the PAYE scheme is allocated a tax code by HM Revenue and CustomsThis is usually in the form of a number followed by a letter suffix though other ‘nonstandard’ codes are also used This code describes to.
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Tax code (PAYE) Wikipedia
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Formatting Text — Mattermost documentation
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