Kue Putri Salju Pandan. Apam balik (lit ‘turnover pancake’) also known as terang bulan (lit ‘bright moon’) martabak manis (lit ‘sweet martabak’) or mànjiānguǒ (Chinese 曼煎粿) is a dessert common in many varieties at specialist roadside stalls throughout Brunei Indonesia Malaysia and Singapore Mànjiān (曼煎) is a homophone of Mǎnqīng (滿清) which ruled the final imperial dynasty in China.

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Indonesian cuisine Wikipedia
Indonesian cuisine is a collection of various regional culinary traditions that formed the archipelagic nation of IndonesiaThere are a wide variety of recipes and cuisines in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6000 populated islands of the total 17508 in the world’s largest archipelago with more than 1300 ethnic groups Many regional cuisines exist often.
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Apam balik Wikipedia