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Dutton Cars badge/logo Dutton Cars based in Worthing Sussex England was a maker of kit cars between 1970 and 1989 In terms of number of kits produced it was the largest kitcar manufacturer in the world The company was founded by Tim DuttonWoolley and run from a small workshop in which a series of cars named P1 was built In October 1971 the BType.
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Salah satu perawatan AC mobil agar tetap prima adalah dengan mengganti filter AC Untuk mengetahui kapan filter AC mobil harus diganti bisa diketahui dengan melihat tampilannya apakah masih bersih atau sudah kotor “Tanda lain bisa dirasakan dari embusan angin blower AC mobil yang kecil Biasanya kondisi ini disebabkan filter AC yang kotor dan menghambat angin.