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Psalm 119:916 NIV ב Beth How can a young person stay on
Psalm 142 is the 142nd psalm of the biblical Book of Psalms in the Masoretic text and modern numbering In the Greek Septuagint version of the bible and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate/Vulgata Clementina this psalm is Psalm 141 in a slightly different numbering system The text is presented as a prayer by David at the time he was hiding in the cave (part of the.
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50 This is my consolation in my affliction for Your word has sustained me נ זֹ֣את נֶחָֽמָתִ֣י בְעָנְיִ֑י כִּ֖י אִמְרָֽתְךָ֣ חִיָּֽתְנִי 51 Willful sinners derided me greatly I did not turn away from Your Torah נא זֵדִים הֱלִיצֻ֣נִי עַד־מְאֹ֑ד מִ֜תּוֹרָֽתְךָ֗ לֹ֣א נָטִֽיתִי 52 I.
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50 Bible Verses About Revelation Responses To
Psalms, PSALM 91 USCCB
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Kumpulan khotbah kristen terbaru dan terlengkap
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Psalms, PSALM 51 USCCB
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Psalm 19 KJV The heavens declare the glory of God
Bacaan dan Renungan Katolik Sabtu 15 Januari 2022 Ayo
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Psalm 117 Wikipedia
Pasal dan ayat dalam Alkitab Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
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Mazmur 8 (TB) Tampilan Pasal Alkitab SABDA
Psalm 142 Wikipedia
Psalm 117 is the 117th psalm of the Book of Psalms beginning in English in the King James Version “O praise the LORD all ye nations praise him all ye peopleIn Latin it is known as Laudate Dominum Consisting of only two verses Psalm 117 is the shortest psalm and also the shortest chapter in the whole Bible In the slightly different numbering system in the Greek.