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en Los VideojuegosCitasen El Animeen El MangaCuriosidadesApariciones Melia aparece por primera vez en la Gruta Helada donde está molestando e intentando atrapar a un Abomasnow Más tarde reaparece en los Laboratorios Lysson donde custodia la llave ascensor Sprites Estos son los sprites de Melia En la Gruta Helada Discutiendo con Trovato Antes del combate Al perder Tras el combate En los Laboratorios Lysson Antes del combate Al perder Tras el combate Mable/Melia aparece por primera vez en ¡De la A a la Z! (ES) (HA) ‹№› donde por órdenes de Lysandre/Lysson intenta capturar a Zygarde al 50% en el interior de la Cueva Terminus/Desenlace Sin embargo debido a la gran fuerza de este no lo consigue Más tarde aparece hablando por videoconferencia con Xerosic/Xeromientras este informa al resto de miembros del equipo científico sobre datos de las células y el núcleo de Zygarde Pocket Monsters Special Melia es una de los antagonistas del manga Pocket Monsters Special en la saga XY Aparece por primera vez en Kangaskhan evoluciona intentando robar el megaaro de X Su Houndoomen su segundo enfrentamiento tiene dos niveles menos que en el primero y cambia también su habilidad por lo que se podría entender que tiene varios Houndoom Clase VillanoRegión KalosNombre japonés モミジ (Momiji)Sexo Femenino.
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in The Gamesin The Animein The MangaMable is one of five Team Flare scientists that are the driving force behind the team being distinguishable with her blue hair She is first seen in the Frost Cavern agitating an Abomasnow with two Team Flare Grunts In the past Mable alongside Lysandre and the other Team Flare Scientists would help those in need until Lysandre became disillusioned with the humanrace and sought to restart the world Mable debuted in From A to Z! She was first seen leading a group of Team Flare Grunts in Terminus Cave where they attempted to capture 50% Zygarde However all of their Pokémon's combined attacks didn't even phase the Legendary Pokémon which used Land's Wrath on the villainous team members before disappearing Mable was later seen informing Lysandre and Xerosicof the failure of her mission Mable briefly appeared in Meeting at Terminus Cave! in a video call with Xerosic where she and Aliana were ordered to head to Z2after Team Flare discovered its location thanks to their sensors In An Explosive Operation! she Aliana and several Team Flare Grunts were trying to capture Z2 She managed to hit Z2 with a beam from her specialized gun preventing Z2 from camouflaging itself When she and Ali Pokémon Adventures Mable debuted in PS550 She Aliana and a group of Team Flare Grunts traveled to Vaniville Town to steal X's Mega Ring While protecting her Trainer from the two scientists X's Kanga was injured This angered Kanga's baby Li'l Kanga who reacted to the Mega Ring and Mega Evolvedinto Mega Kangaskhan and easily drove the villains off In PS551 X's friends stayed at an Aquacorde Town inn while he slept in the tent on Y's Rhyhorn's back The inn was a trap designed to keep Y and the others in Gender FemaleRegion KalosHair color BlueTrainer class Team Flare.
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