Post Reading Activity Discussion Questions Hal 120. PostReading Activity Importance For maximum comprehension of a text it's important to fully engage before during and after reading Postreading strategies help readers summarize their Video Duration 6 min.

Some schools have used the Book Creator app to design meaningful postreading activities After reading a story students drew illustrations using a palette of colours uploaded videos and inserted text to create ebooks with an oral commentary to retell the stories that they had read.
10 Fun PostReading Activities EFL Magazine
Author Neil MillingtonUsing pictures Select seven or eight pictures Some of these should relate to the topic of the text the students have read Ask the students to make small groups and give each group a copy of the pictures Speed chatting Prepare three or four simple questions related to the content of the reading Ask the class to make two rows facing each other Then encourage them to ask each other the questions but warn them that they only have 60 seconds to do so Making statements After the students have finished reading the text put them into small groups Ask each group to make two or three statements about the text Summary writing Ask the students to work together with a partner First ask them to work together to identify the main points of the reading Once they have successfully done this the students can work individually to put these into sentences.
PostReading Activities for ESL Students Video & Lesson
Fun PreReading and PostReading Activities for All Language Classrooms I love language lessons which involve an element of reading This is because there are so many opportunities for learning and improving language acquisition with topicrelated texts.
21 MustUse Reading Activities For Your Language Lessons
MAKE CONNECTIONS WITH MIND MAPS Mind maps can be a great way to synthesize what students have gleaned from reading a book Plus there are so many ways to approach them! ENCOURAGE PERSONAL REACTIONS WITH BOOKSNAPS If you’d like to capture snippets of what passages are resonating most with students ask them to create a booksnap journal as they read! SCAFFOLD ANALYSIS WHILE READING WITH COLOR If you need a lowkey quick postreading activity that zeroes in on main idea and text evidence try asking students to reread with color THINK CRITICALLY BY EVALUATING BOOK COVERS Postreading activities often involve writing Students need to write informative essays Yet they don’t always have to be as traditional as we might expect.
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Reading and Writing Haven Engaging PostReading Activities
5 Fun Postreading Activities to Maximise Learning
13 Examples of PostReading Activities
4 Quiz Your Classmates This activity can help us determine how much students learn during the reading Ask your students to prepare 5 questions about what they read once they have them ready you can tell the students to make groups of 4 and then they can ask those questions to each other Email manuelcampos@englishpostorg.