The Most Precious Gemstone Emerald Are Found In. The oldest emerald mines are in Upper Egypt where they were exploited until the time of the pharaohs as evidenced by findings on mummies but also in Scotland It is established that the emerald was known and used as a precious gem by the Greeks and Romans.

Emeralds recognised for their distinctive green tones are among the most renowned gemstones in the world Brazil Colombia Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Gemstones Jewelry of the Middle East
Tanzanite—$1200 per carat We begin our list with Tanzanite a gem which was firstBlack Opal—$9500 per carat Black opals are the most desired and valuable opals in theRed Beryl—$10000 per carat While red beryl has been found in Utah regions New MexicoMusgravite—$35000 per carat Musgravite is another gemstone that was first discovered inAlexandrite—$70000 per carat Alexandrite is a rare gem that changes colors This not onlyEmerald—$305000 per carat Emeralds are some of the most popular gemstones in theRuby—$118 million per carat Commonly referred to as the “King of Gemstones” rubiesPink Diamond—$119 million per carat While all colored diamonds are rare pink diamondsJadeite—$3 million per carat Jadeite is the purest rarest and most vivid gemstone in theBlue Diamond—$393 million per carat We finish off our list with one of the most legendary.
35 Most Valuable Gemstones, From Least to Most Expensive
Musgravite This absolutely rare gemstone got its name from the first place it was found inJadeite Jadeite is a very precious gemstone that can be even considered as the mostRed Diamond Red Diamonds are not seen often in the world most diamonds are foundGrandidierite Grandidierite is another very rare gemstone but its value is not estimatedSerendibite Serendibite is another very rare stone although it is not widely heard of it canAlexandrite Alexandrite is also a color changing stone just like the Blue Garnet that weRed Beryl Same like diamond the red color is rare to be found Beryl is generally found inJeremejevite These rare stones can be white yellow colorless or blue but they arePainite Blue Garnet Garnet is usually found with a deep red color but blue garnet can rarely be found.
What Are the Four Most Precious Stones? Geology In
Emerald is one of the most fascinating and beautiful gemstones Emerald is a precious gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium Beryl has a hardness of 75–8 on the Mohs scale.
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The most precious gemstone Emerald are found in MCQsForum
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Top Ten Most Precious Gemstones In The World – Inminutes
The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in_____? A Gilgit B Hunza C Swat D Dir Submitted by Mansoor Ul Haque Mcq Added by MansoorUlHaque General Knowledge MCQs General Knowledge Mcqs consists of World Geography Atmosphere Science & Literature events Mcqs Current Affairs Mcqs Pakistan Affairs Mcqs and International.