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Download scientific diagram | W 1 = H = Sg = 1 m from publication Managing onchip inductive effects | With process technology and functional integration advancing steadily.
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PDF fileH(o) A(w) W2 + 3 +j2w 1 j4w 2 _ 3 j2w S913 sin W t W W Figure S9131 X(w) sin 0 t it W0 0 Figure S9132 Signals and Systems S912 H(w) sin (2o 0t) h(t)=i r t 2w0 Figure S9133 2w0 Y(w) = X(W)H(w) = Y(w) 7r 2 wo o0 Figure S9134 ww “0 Therefore y(t) = sin(ot) t S914 (a) Energy = 27r |X(W)|2 dw o Area = (4)(2) + (2)(1)(1) = 10 5 Energy = Tr Fourier Transform.
The 5 Ws (and 1 H) That Should Be Asked of Every …
For each of the main ideas that you have identified in a reading ask yourself questions starting with the 5 W‘s and 1 H question words W ho Identify the characters in the reading and make a list of them Draw connecting lines between the characters and describe to yourself the relationship between the characters W hat Identify the events.
Asking and Answering the 5 W's and H Questions
5W1H Techniques > Questioning > 5W1H What | Where | When | Why | How | Who | See also A simple set of question framings was defined by Kipling in his immortal poem I have six faithful serving men They taught me all I knew.
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